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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Hello

Hello all, I'm new here. I hope this forum is not judgmental and share my story with people who are in the same situation as me. I was diagnosed with HIV in 2009 trying to join the military how embarrassing early 2009 I was and this person is currently roaming out in the streets why do I believe its him because there is other females before me were involved and I have lost contact with these girls. I was 20 years old and now I'm 24. Most the time I'm happy and not think about it because its only depressing and want to kill that son of ... I moved to the states he lives in and slowly working on getting him in for justice. But anyways I recently found out I have inf lammed gallstones, had the worst pain ever in my life and called 911 known that I have no insurance but anyways by the time we got to the hospital the nurses were panicky specially when they found out I'm HIV+ I felt so unwelcome d there and rushed out there while I was waiting for the doctor to finalize my papers I heard a nurse outside my room telling other nurses out loud that the person in that room has HIV be careful and the other nurse told her you know shes still in there and it got quiet than she came to look she seemed embarrassed when i looked at her than she went back and whispered and than loudly said yea there is no blood but shes HIV+... I felt crushed I cried not only from the pain by the way I was treated and talked about her voice is stuck in my head and how she kept repeating it like I'm going pass hiv on to them.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Sorry about your sad experiences! It just shows how ignorant people can be. You would think that nurses would be the ones to know better about this hiv! i really do feel your pain, but do not despair before God we ar all precious.

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