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former member default image - bird flying away



So you've been told that you're HIV+...and you keenly recall the angst and anxiety that accompanied this news. Fast forward to the future: what are you feeling now? Are you feeling about the same (hopelessness, depression, acute sadness)? Or perhaps you've learned to accept your condition and have moved on in a positive manner. If so, how did you find the strength to do so? Better still, what is it that you yearn for in the days, months and years ahead? Share your visions of hope to keep others encouraged, as well as giving a much needed boost to those who might still be living in an abyss of detachment and misery. By sharing, I think we can all benefit.

Drew (cheerfuldude)
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: I want it all!

To answer my own topic, it's a given that I wish to remain healthy, for without good health, it's difficult to enjoy most anything in life. I used to fret over the fact that a cure would never be found, and my life would be over much sooner than I wanted...but no more. I've learned to find happiness and joy in each day I have, and I keep my mind focused on people and values that enrich my life, negating as much as possible the detraction that being HIV+ can cause. Do I fear death? I did, but not any more. I fear not having sufficient time in the physical realm of life to enjoy all that I hope to accomplish more than anything.

I would love to be in love with someone in the an understanding and completely accepting person who sees beyond my status and feels that I am just the person that they've been seeking for a long, long time. That would be awesome! I believe it's possible.

As for others affected by HIV/AIDS, my wish if for you to each live in the present, daily, embracing as much joy and happiness as humanly possible. I pray that your struggles are kept to a minimum, that you always have people around you who value your presence, and that you shine as a beacon of light to others...letting the masses know that you may have a virus, but that it doesn't have you! The world we live in needs so much illumination, and I want to be partially responsible for that bright, uplifting light. May it be the same with each of you. :D

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

.Awesome please continue to share the truth about HIV/AIDS as you have done here. This is truly awesome if only more and more people believed in what you have to say. God bless you for having the wisdom, knowledge, and courage to say what you have said.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

.My future goal is to try and maintain good grades get into Saint Francis College, and go to medical school.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

....My future goal is to try and maintain good grades get into Saint Francis College, and go to medical school.

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