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Introduce Yourself

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the other members of the site, and relay a little bit of your situation (if you feel comfortable doing that).



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Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi, I,m newly diagnosed but I was put on medication immediatly because my cd4 was low. Luckily I went to the clinic before I got ill (only had a sore throat).
Although I'm newly diagnosed I've had my suspicions for a long time.
I'm ok with the medication but where do i go as regards my future and because I live in rural Ireland it is difficult to see where I will ever meet a lady.
But all in all I'm good.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Hello, I am Debee. I am new to this site, just signed up today. I have been HIV+ for 12 years. I am healthy and strong and my life is blessed in so many ways. Just need that special someone to cuddle and love and be intimate with. I have tried so many ways to find the right man; I sometimes just want to give up the search. Then I found this site..maybe you are looking too..

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Posted:     Post subject:

`OMFG .... this place is so busy .... there's gotta be at least 15 people online at any given time, albeit pretty much the same 15 people from hour to hour!!! I do not think I can even muster the courage to introduce myself for fear of agoraphobia setting in, lol!!! Oh and the respondants ... top notch ... hell you don't even have to hit send and you receive a response ... NOT !!! I am heading back to the scam-laden ... at least there there IS a chance of someone responding as not all profile have been signed out for MORE THAN 3 MONTHS !!! ???

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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If you maintain your (free) account here, we hope you will add a photo, add a description, post in the forum area regularly, and give people a chance to read the email messages you send them.

(Deleting your account will cause all email messages you have sent to be deleted along with your anyone you attempted to contact will not see your messages after you leave.)

Whether you maintain an account here or not, we hope you find people to interact with wherever you decide to spend time online.



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November 23, 2006
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`well im kris from the slough area of berkshire been positive for 8 months now

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi I am tony & I am new here I have been Poz for 24 years. I like to get to know people and have been an HIV activist for a long time. I am now looking for that special person

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December 4, 2011
Posts: 2

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`Sup fellow homo-sapians. I'm Michael. I have been positive for about 6 years and live in hermitage TN . I am a bit nervous about declaring it publicly but what the hell. I've done worse things. just got out of a 6 year relationship and have been living under a rock......that needs to change. I'm tired of being a hermit and need laughter and fun back in my life. I used to be so outgoing but somehow lost myself along the way. looking for friends close by that like a drama free lifestyle and is just good company.

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January 12, 2012
Posts: 2

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`Hello from Germany.

I try to translate my description of my weblog...:

Dieses Tagebuch schreibe ich - ein junger schwuler deutscher Mann, der in Deutschland lebt und arbeitet. Seit längerer Zeit weiss ich, dass ich HIV positiv bin.

I am a young gay man, living and working in Germany. Since some time, I know being HIV positive.

Ich schreibe über meine persönlichen Gedanken, geheime Wünsche und die täglichen Erlebnisse.

I write about my personal thoughts, secret wishes and daily experiences.

Mit diesem Blog will ich anderen Positiven Mut machen den Alltag zu meistern und trotz der HIV-Infektion postiv in die Zukunft zu blicken.

With my blog I will encourage other positive men to stay positive in their daily business. Though being HIV positive we can have a positive view into the future.

Mein Motto ist: Das Leben geht positiv weiter - lass uns das beste daraus machen

I think: Life is going on positive - let's do the best with it.

Ok, cu,

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December 22, 2011
Posts: 3

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17+ yr poz SURVIVOR!!!! I am strong willed single mother if 3 teen boys. Let me tell you ive had my run ins with other dating sites some people nice. Some fake and some just wanting to get laid. Hell even i had those moments.

Im just tired if the fake profiles, i recently disclosed to my kids. So it seems life is easier. Not so tension filled. But i deserve to be happy and im wanting someone who i can talk to and be open, honest and real with.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Im hiv possitive looking for possitive girls for sex,I just wana have fun and s--.Nothing serious just friends,n good mind blowing s--.If your in need of a good S-- partner hit me up.We all need S-- to be emotionaly healthy n being poz makes it hard.I live in buffalo ny am veary healthy upbeat n outgoing happy.Im just veary h---- all the time,lets help each other out.

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

feedback wrote: Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the other members of the site, and relay a little bit of your situation (if you feel comfortable doing that).



My name is Charli....just found out about this I am just learning
How this all is everyone?

Charli love
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Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi I'm Tracy I've been poz 13 yrs. I have a 7 yo daughter -neg- & Recently divorced and happy about that but now I need to find my real soul mate. I need someone that is also undetectable like me. Do you go to Church? Do you like to take your kids out and have fun? Do you Like to fish, go bowling, go skating, swimming or walking? Do you like to go to movies or out to eat sometimes? I Do! What are you waiting for? Send me a message. :)

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi, i am a single mother to a 13 year old girl. Have been HIV+ for 5 years now and going strong and healthy. I would like to meet men and women with the same status. Have been alone for too long now just because of not understanding well about HIV+. Who knows maybe i might meet my life partner here. Thanks guys stay blessed!!!

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September 10, 2011
Posts: 2

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`Hi I'm Charles found out about 8 months ago been on meds for 6 months.

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