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Scams on some of the HIV+ dating sites

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Scams on some of the HIV+ dating sites


I have signed up for some of the HIV+ dating sites and almost all the responses that I got where from women stating that they lived in the US, but in reality they where from Niegria. What gives with that? What could they possibly accomplish by doing this? I'm a single male who got out of a long term relationship with some who was negative, but would always bring up my health status. I got real sick of this. I prefer to meet someone who is positive like me. It really is very, very hard to meet someone who is compatible and enjoys the same things that I like. Hopefully this site will be better. Thanks

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September 22, 2007
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It is an unfortunate dark side of our world - they prey on Pozzies as would any predator; I always right up front whether they reside in Canada or not and often follow up with questions to see what they really know. I do remind them that eventually it will come out. There is no magic bullet except to say Im sorry I only date in North America.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I have found that a lot of sites that you find on hiv dating serch engine that say thay are a hiv site are not an hiv sight at all. to me that is wrong.I joined a sight like that one time and was told some one on it. and then found out. that it was not. not to mechen that person surprise. that is just not right

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`The Nigerian IP address is not always from people living in Nigeria. There are people who can accesss a Nigerian Host Company to use ghost nigerian IP address to hide their identity. They collect information on people and they can exploit the information against you. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I believe you should be made aware. The internet is the WiLD West and there is little law govorning the right of your privacy. I don't know the answer. You can try using hardware and software proxies, never opening up an unknown email, and other techniques used to secure your privacy. Unfortunately, I don't think anything will stop people who know how to work the system and who want to gain knowledge about you. Perhaps everyone should take a page out of Magic Johnson's book and disclose to the world. Good luck.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I also have received many e-mails originating in South Africa, from young women with various scams aimed at getting you to help them retrieve money from their dead relatives or some other type of Scam such as a relationship interest. They are all over the net. I have been on the planet long enough to know that some women. More than half my age would having interest in a man in his early 50s. I receive at least two of these e-mails every week. I must be on some sort of a list. Anymore, I don't even read them I just delete them.

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July 6, 2008
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.Are there any women on this site from the Chicago area? If so I would like to connect! Charles
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`BEWARE!!! All HIV dating sites seemed to be, pardon the fraze "infected" with scammers. Dateline , 20/20 , all the news channels have done specials on
Nigeria. It is notorious for financial scams, especially going after the elderly or sick. has serious problems with this and when tried to warn people I was told to leave the site and not come back. Take my advice , if there English is just a bit off, their picture is way too hot and it all sounds like its too good to be true, it is. They will tell you they are "visiting a sick mum" (watch for that word MUM). Also beware international phone # with the country code 234, thats Nigeria. Its sad but a problem we have to watch out for.

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January 5, 2005
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Good advice!

We would like to ask everyone to click the 'HELP' tab at the top of the page, and then click the 'Online Dating Safety' link that appears in the navigation bar.

As a 100% free site, we do tend to see some bad apples appear every now and then.

We have a large number of filters in place to lessen the likelihood of problems from scammers and spammers...but they are clever.

Just remember a few things:

1) If you are speaking with any member on any of our sites, and they tell you that they are in a location other than the one listed in their profile...REPORT THEM. We delete members who do not have correct locations listed. This is to prevent people from pretending to be near other members, and then saying that they are on a trip, once they have established a connection with someone. (If they are traveling, it is their responsibility to update their profile accordingly.)

2) NEVER EVER EVER agree to send any money to anyone you meet through our sites. No matter how much they seem to need it. Unless they are COMPLETE LOSERS, they should have someone in the real world they can turn to to get money in an emergency. It is CRAZY for people to send money to people they meet online...for any any time.

If any member on our sites asks you to send them any money, for any reason, REPORT THEM. It is against the rules to ask other members for money.



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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Some people look, but do not see, some people listen, but do not hear ... some people feel, but do not perceive .... basically you just have to go with yo gut ... and if you do not trust .... you have to be AWARE and sensitive to 'each' and 'every.' Oh wow .... how many Nigerian emails I have had ... blurs my focus!!! If you cannot trust yourself, who can you trust!!!??? You can and will know when it is real and when it is scam ... just feel and let it 'be.' Or ... you could always just go the 'logical' route and when someone from Nigeria emails you when you have never made any formal contact you could just ignore them ,,, really are you gonna give them money to get their sick uncle out of the hospital, lol!!!???

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January 25, 2011
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`To be honest, it is almost funny sometimes! If you play along for about 6 emails, it almost always ends up being one of 3 things: "I want to come see you, but I'm short $XXX.XX amount for the plane ticket. Please send it to me because I Love You!" or "I'm stuck traveling and had my purse stolen so I can't get to my own money!" or "Dad (or mom) died and I need $XXX.XX to pay the probate lawyer so he can release the thousands of dollars I got! I promise to give it right back!". It is sad that there are those that will say anything to try and cheat some caring person out of their money, and it is also sad that there are those that just don't want to believe people will do it and fall for every new sceme.
I agree with an earlier post. I NEVER send money or information to ANYONE that I do not personally know and trust! If they just by chance happen to be the real deal, then if they can't handle their life well enough to handle a minor crisis, I probably would not be compatable anyways!
Be careful and realistic everyone!

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